Thursday, April 29, 2010

Asbergers/Autism Sepctrum disorders

Wow, is this a lengthy topic!! Jeff will be doing lectures at some of the Sprouts stores in the greater Phoenix, AZ are the end of May on this topic. Check your local Sprouts stores for date and time if you are interested in attending. He has done a lot of research and has great information. I have asked him to post his lecture notes when they are complete. In the meantime, I do want to share one thing we have come across that seems to be having some success. The supplement is DMG, Dimethyl Glycine.
Dimethyl Glycine is an intermediary product of cell metabolism within the body which is also found in small amounts in the diet and can be obtained in larger supplemental doses. It is a form of vitamin B 15.

Some of the issues that DMG may help with:
DMG may improve the condition of Autism patients
DMG may improve the behavior and mental function of children afflicted with Down's Syndronme
DMG ( 200 mg daily) may reduce the frequency of seizures in epilepsy patients.

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